Author name: Ridho


Mandatory Label Announcement on Devices and Packaging/Boxes

Starting from May 23, 2024, all devices that have been certified must affix labels on each device and packaging/box. If the device is small and it is not possible to attach a label, the label can be affixed or printed on the manual book and packaging/box. Certificate holders who intentionally do not attach labels on traded and/or used telecommunications devices and/or equipment will be subject to administrative sanctions in the form of: a. a written warning; and/or b. suspension of the telecommunications device and/or equipment certification services for 6 (six) months. Additionally, the label attachment must also be reported online by uploading a photo of the telecommunications device and/or equipment with the attached label to the E-Certification system no later than 30 working days after the certificate is issued.


Penalty Sanctions for Radio Frequency Spectrum Violation

The Socialization of Administrative Penalty Sanctions on the Supervision of the Use of Radio Frequency Spectrum and/or Telecommunication Devices organized in Indonesia by the Administrative Penalty Management Team of the Radio Frequency Spectrum Monitoring Institute (Balmon Kominfo) on Friday, May 7, 2024. This socialization discusses administrative penalty sanctions for the improper use of radio frequencies in Indonesia. There are several regulations that can serve as references for operators of telecommunication devices in carrying out their operations, including: The imposition of administrative fines for violations of Radio Frequency Spectrum/Telecommunication Device misuse is classified into 3 types: The formula for calculating fines for SFR/APT misuse based on Presidential Regulation No. 43 of 2023 Articles 20-21 is as follows: FINE = VIOLATION POINTS x ADMINISTRATIVE FINE RATE Violation Points = Violation Index x Maximum Points x Weight Percentage Here is a simulation of administrative fine calculation amounting to Rp500,000.000 for APT violations by company X, which sells uncertified telecommunications devices from abroad in the territory of Indonesia.angkat telekomunikasi tidak bersertifikat dari luar negeri di wilayah NKRI. If administrative fines for SFR/APT misuse are not paid for 3 consecutive times, the licensing service will be suspended by the Director General. With the commitment of JTeN, we are ready to assist companies in obtaining the necessary certifications to meet the standards set by the Indonesian Government. Contact us today for the best and most reliable certification services!

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